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Objectives and activities

The main objective of this Action is to offer practice-oriented training on methodologies and tools to prevent child sexual abuse online.
The Action will be structured around six training events organised throughout Europe over twenty-two months. Each event will last 1.5 days.
The main target group of the Action will be EU law enforcers, judges, prosecutors, academics, ministry officials and representatives of the civil society.
Each of these six seminars will be targeted at different groups of selected Member States (ca. 4-5 Member States per seminar, ca. 50 participants per seminar) which are, to the extent possible, geographically close to each other (“regional approach”), so that the need for cross-border cooperation is particularly important.
The decentralised series of events will guarantee a good geographical mixture among EU participants and networking opportunities which will encourage close contacts and cooperation among different professions.
In order to guarantee valuable practical training on preventing child sex abuse material online, the topics will be dealt with by means of concrete case studies and demonstrations. National experts will analyse the topics and present case studies based on the individual national penal system and EU legislation in place. In this way, participants will benefit from training that is tailor-made to deal with the questions and problems arising in their daily practice when dealing with cases involving child sex abuse material.
In order to benefit from different perspectives, the groups of experts conducting the seminars will consist of judges, prosecutors, academics, ministry officials and NGOs’ representative with experience in fighting child abuse material online.
All in all the Action will guarantee that the seminars will effectively train 300 different EU legal practitioners (direct beneficiaries: 50 participants per event x 6 events).